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Daily News #2024-07-15

  • Apple Approves First PC Emulator for iOS
  • 🌟 WhisperKit:使用 CoreML 在 Apple 设备上进行本地语音识别
  • 🌟 动画图解算法入门教程

Apple News

Apple Approves First PC Emulator for iOS

来源:Hacker News - Newest: “apple”

发布时间:2024-07-14 10:45:23

Apple has approved UTM SE, the first PC emulator for iOS. This emulator allows users to run classic software and games from Windows, Mac OS 9, and Linux on their iPhones and iPads. UTM SE is available for free on the App Store, and it supports both VGA mode for graphics and terminal mode for text-only operating systems. It also emulates x86, PPC, and RISC-V architectures, and it can run pre-built machines or create custom configurations from scratch.

Daily Code

🌟 WhisperKit:使用 CoreML 在 Apple 设备上进行本地语音识别

来源:Trending Swift repositories on GitHub today · GitHub

发布时间:2024-07-15 07:31:31

WhisperKit 是一个 Swift 软件包,它将 OpenAI 流行的高性能语音识别模型 Whisper 与 Apple 的 CoreML 框架集成在一起,以便在 Apple 设备上进行高效的本地推理。WhisperKit 可以轻松集成到您的 Swift 项目中,并提供了一个简单的 API 来执行语音转录和语音识别任务。它还支持模型选择,允许您根据设备和任务选择最合适的模型。

🌟 动画图解算法入门教程

来源:Trending repositories on GitHub today · GitHub

发布时间:2024-07-15 05:31:23
