- 🍎 HomePod with Display: Rumors and Expectations
- 🌟 Composable Architecture
- ⚡️ NativeLink:高效的构建缓存和远程执行系统
Apple News
🍎 HomePod with Display: Rumors and Expectations
来源:Hacker News - Newest: “apple”
发布时间:2024-07-21 23:54:05
Apple is rumored to be working on a HomePod with a display, which could feature a 7-inch LCD screen and run on a variation of the A18 chip. The device may also incorporate a new operating system called homeOS and a touch interface called “PlasterBoard”. Additionally, Apple is reportedly exploring a table-top robotics device with a display that can mimic head movements and lock onto specific individuals during FaceTime calls.
Daily Code
🌟 Composable Architecture
来源:Trending Swift repositories on GitHub today · GitHub
发布时间:2024-07-22 06:05:02
The Composable Architecture (TCA) is a library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind. It can be used in SwiftUI, UIKit, and more, and on any Apple platform (iOS, macOS, visionOS, tvOS, and watchOS).
⚡️ NativeLink:高效的构建缓存和远程执行系统
来源:Trending repositories on GitHub today · GitHub
发布时间:2024-07-22 06:31:03
NativeLink 是一款高效、高性能的构建缓存和远程执行系统,可加速软件编译和测试,同时降低基础设施成本。它通过智能地缓存构建工件并在多台机器上分配任务来优化各种规模项目的构建过程。NativeLink 在生产环境中得到信赖,可降低成本和开发人员迭代时间,每月为其客户(包括三星等大公司)处理超过十亿个请求。